Children still love printed books?
Apr 25,2017
A survey shows e-books have not replaced traditional printed books, partly because they are not as immerse for readers. “When reading on smart devices, you tend to get distracted by notifications. An email comes in, you’re going to stop reading and check the mail,” interviewee said. And that studies show that spending too much time on the screen contributes to stress.
According to the report, many young book lovers believe that digital books do not replace traditional printed books.
“We [teens] spend a lot of time on-screen and you need some time off screen, and reading a real book is the best way to do it. Reading a real printed book clears your mind and helps you relax. I think it’s very important to read books because reading helps you explore completely new worlds and new cultures,” Edward, 16-year-old,who likes science fiction, said.
Another interviewee said “I don’t read e-books, I like printed books. Some of my friends feel the same way,”
However, the popularity of smart phones and social media has replaced a considerable amount of time that children used to spend reading books, One teacher interviewed for the study said.
Mr.Clinton, a grade 9 teacher at International School, Mr.Clinton, said: “Children have become digitalised; they’re very fond of these gadgets. They spend a lot of time on social media.”
The research showed that the ‘cultivation’ towards reading starts at home with parents.
The push comes from parents. It usually starts with six-year-old, with parents and children ‘doing’ activity books together, or going through heavily illustrated books.
And the market for printed books for children and young adults is more robust than that for adults, “who are not reading as much as children”.
“Adults are going for best-sellers, that’s the general trend. With children, there’s a greater variety of collections … There’s been little impact of e-books on Children’s paper printed books.
Sum up these statement, It depends on the parents; how they guide children. If you give them a printed book, they will read it. If you give them a smart-phone or tab, they will play electronic games and put the book aside. Parents used to give printed books as gifts to children on special occasions, which would keep up their reading habit.
Printed books will not be dethroned in the digital age.