Why the print catalogs back in fashion?
Jun 07,2017
Print catalogs, always be the most popular and effective way for launching. Although we are in the media age now, but we found that more and more consumer are prefer to the paper catalogs which they can check the information they want in hand. Also more and more retailer has been restored to mailing their own catalogs to their cunsumers, it reflects a trend of retailers returning to the print medium as an important sales and marketing tool.
The last time companies showed so much interest in print catalogs was in 2007, when catalog mailings peaked. But then the Great Recession hit, and retailers looking to trim their expenditures cut catalog budgets. With the concurrent rise in online sales and marketing, print media seemed like a waste. According to the research, in 2012 mailings dropped to its lowest level since it began collecting annual data in 2001.
The recent resurgence within the popularity of catalogs raises questions about their worth and long viability. Is that the latest rebirth of the catalog simply a reflection of the good Recession’s conclusion? Will they once again fall out of fashion at the primary sign of softness within the market?
Multi-channel shopping is on the increase, and retailers understand that customers who use more than one of their channels typically the foremost valuable. Catalogs also are uniquely designed to assist marketing departments fulfill their objectives. The impact of a broadcast spot or social media campaign on sales could also be hard to pin down, however catalogs — with their definitive mail dates and client and source codes — are easier to trace. Targeting with catalogs is much easier currently, due to huge trade databases containing all varieties of info on various households.
It is very necessary to attract customers at higher levels even if the economy slipped again. In fact, as more and more products become more and more similar, as the Internet continues to increase access to more products, print catalogs and their content will become a means of differentiating brands and maintaining existing customer relationships. Great brands integrate catalogs with email marketing, social media, and other tactics into a distinctive, memorable, and valuable brand experience for their customers.
Print catalog may seem old school, but the capabilities and the brand-building potential they increased suggest they’ll remain a staple in retailers’ toolboxes – and consumers’ mailboxes.
Read more about SeSe Printing here, and click here to order customized printed your catalog.